Read our Sisters’ reflections on vocations, the spiritual life, the New Evangelization, the Person of Christ and many other faith topics.
Best of USA: What makes you grateful?
July 5, 2023 / Featured
As proud Americans in these difficult times, we are called to hold our gaze steadily on Christ and keep to the narrow path marked out by Him, even though that path is not always embraced by the culture. We stay the course because it is Christ’s power and love which safeguards the authentic freedom that makes our country truly great.
How deep is Christ’s love for YOU?
June 12, 2023 / Featured
In one apparition, Christ said, “My Divine Heart is so passionately in love with humanity, and with you in particular, that it cannot keep back the pent-up flames of its burning charity any longer. They must burst out through you.”
Mater Eucharistiae May 2023
June 2, 2023 / Featured / Mater Eucharistiae
Read the newest Mater Eucharistiae Article!
A mother’s attention, tenderness, and prayers!
May 15, 2023 / Featured
Jesus chose to be born of a mother and because of this, must highly regard motherhood! As we prepare to honor our own mothers this Mother’s Day, we also look to Mary, the model of all motherhood, whose spiritual maternity encompasses all humanity. At the foot of the cross, He made spiritual motherhood a reality by entrusting all of humanity to her in three simple words, “Behold your mother!” But what exactly is spiritual motherhood?
A woman for our times!
May 1, 2023 / Featured
In fact, Catherine’s life was explicitly offered for the good of the Church, which she loved wholeheartedly for the sake of Jesus her Bridegroom. Her letters are filled with appeals to join her in this unmitigated service
It Starts Today with “Hosana”
April 3, 2023 / Featured
Holy Week begins with PALM SUNDAY. The Church invites the faithful to accompany Christ who rides humbly on a donkey into the Holy City, Jerusalem.
A Feast in our Lenten Desert?
March 27, 2023 / Featured
Our Lady's response to the angel's message teaches us to embrace our Lenten practices and difficulties of life with deep trust in God.
Where will you be in 40 days?
February 24, 2023 / Featured
Jesus Himself experienced much pain in life. Scripture tells us that He endured betrayal, arrest, condemnation, rejection and crucifixion.
What more can you say about love?!
February 20, 2023 / Featured
As the world gets ready to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day, exchanging sweet notes of love and kindness, we naturally turn to the topic of love, considering once again this great mystery.
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