Each soul is created by God “immediately” at the moment of conception (Catechism of the Catholic Church no. 366)! Even before mom and dad become aware of the microscopic, little one in her womb, God knows. That moment God chooses to create this particular child and instantly finds delight in her. He forms her in His image and gives her the capacity and freedom to receive and give love. He sees her future full of blessings and growth pains and undertakes faithfully to walk beside her, constantly loving, guiding, instructing, and nourishing. Patiently He waits for the maturing of her love. She captivates His heart!

Babies tug on our hearts effortlessly and we naturally understand God’s deep love for them but sometimes we forget that we too are precious in His eyes. At the moment of your conception, He chose you from all those He could have created. He took instant to delight in you and blessed your life with a loving purpose.
All along the way and still today He walks beside you, sustaining your precious life with unfailing devotion. He remains attentive, regardless of any disloyalty on your part, longing for your response of love.
Life is precious and you are seen,
known and loved by our gracious Father.
As we celebrate life today and pray for the protection of babies in the womb, let us again receive the gift of our own life with wonderment and an opening of our hearts to His love.

Andrew Guernsey’s passion for the sacredness of Life was cultivated both at home and in school. Influenced by the Sisters’ witness and teaching from first through twelfth grades, he got involved in the pro-life movement in college and has since made it his life’s work. Since 2019, he has worked in his current role to educate U.S. senators on the dignity of Life and protect the unborn through the advance of prolife legislation. With the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, he is now defending Life in the areas of chemical abortion, taxpayer funding of abortion, and abortion in VA hospitals.
“The Sisters’ formation was critical for me personally. They helped us understand how abortion became legal in our country, and they prayed with us, both in the classroom and in front of abortion clinics, for an end to abortion. The Sisters’ whole ethic and teaching expresses that every life holds dignity. I am grateful to the Sisters for pointing me in the right direction.”
Andrew feels it is critical that the next generation is formed with a respect for Life. He believes that the overturning of Roe vs. Wade was only possible because young people got engaged in the long war against abortion and continued in the footsteps of pro-life champions such as Nellie Gray. “Young people must persuade their fellow Americans to protect Life, or we will see more things like the passing of Proposal 3 in Michigan. The issue isn’t going away. We have a lot to do.”

In babies, we get a super concentrated dose of the wonder of LIFE!