Mother of the Eucharist
We love because God loved us first.
(cf. 1 John 4:19)
In lieu of roses and chocolates, send up prayers for a fruitful Lenten journey to the heart of Christ, our Divine Lover.
Be assured of our daily prayers for a grace-filled Lenten journey into to the very heart of our Blessed Savior, Jesus Christ.
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Pray the Rosary, every day, in order to bring peace to the world.
Today we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Fatima with special solemnity, as we mark the 100th anniversary of her first apparition to three shepherd children in a small town in Portugal.
Over the course of Mary’s six monthly apparitions in 1917, she instructed Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco to pray the Rosary daily for peace, and to make sacrifices for sinners, saying that “many souls go to hell, because there are none to sacrifice themselves and pray for them.” They took her advice seriously, finding many ways to offer sacrifices out of love for Our Lord and for all of His people. Today, during his visit to Fatima, Pope Francis will recognize their heroic virtue by canonizing Jacinta and Francisco. (Their cousin Lucia’s cause for beatification was recently opened.)
We ourselves may not be able to travel to Fatima during this momentous year, but we can listen to Our Lady’s requests. Saint John Paul II tells us that “the message of Fatima is, in its basic nucleus, a call to conversion and repentance as in the Gospel.” This call is an expression of Mary’s deep love for all of us, her children. As our mother, she desires that all of us should draw close to her Son, and she asks us to pray her own prayer, the Rosary, to obtain this grace. Only in this way will we be able to obtain the peace so needed by our world.
Let us imitate Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia, the three shepherd children of Fatima, and accept all of our own sufferings out of love. We pray for all sinners, including ourselves, as we say the prayer Our Lady of Fatima asked to be added after each mystery of the Rosary: “Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are most in need of Thy mercy.”
Please keep us, the Dominican Sisters of Mary, in your prayers, as we celebrate our community feast day today as well, the feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. Enjoy this short video of our Fatima Procession.
Today we rejoice as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist! On February 9, 1997, the first seed of the community was established as our four foundresses – Mother Assumpta, Sr. Mary Samuel, Sr. Joseph Andrew, and Sr. John Dominic – made their vows. In his homily on that occasion, John Cardinal O’Connor of New York reminded the sisters of the call of Abraham and his response of faith.
“Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.’” (Genesis 12:1)
Like Abraham, our foundresses left a life they loved to give new expression to St. Dominic’s zeal for souls in our own time. In response to St. John Paul II’s call for the New Evangelization, these four sisters sought to spread the witness of religious life according to the Pope’s words in his apostolic exhortation Vita Consecrata: “The Spirit, who at different times has inspired numerous forms of consecrated life, does not cease to assist the Church . . . by giving new charisms to men and women of our own day so that they can start institutions responding to the challenges of our times.”
God said to Abraham, “’Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.’ Then he said to him, ‘So shall your descendants be.’” (Gen 15:5)
As our foundresses made their vows that day, they did not know that God would send them many vocations. However, they trusted that their work would bear fruit if it was God’s will, and in these 20 years we have grown to over 125 sisters, who have in turn been able to touch thousands of students and their families through our teaching apostolate!
As Pope Francis encouraged all religious during the Year for Consecrated Life, we look to our past with gratitude, first to God, for His guidance, protection, and blessings, and secondly for our foundresses, who trusted in God’s wisdom and guidance. We seek to live the present with passion, burning with zeal for souls. Lastly, we embrace the future with hope, trusting in the Lord’s continuing plan for our community. We ask you to join us in prayerful thanksgiving for the graces we, as a community, have received and to pray for a continued outpouring of the Holy Spirit as we strive to follow His promptings.