As proud Americans in these difficult times, we are called to hold our gaze steadily on Christ and keep to the narrow path marked out by Him, even though that path is not always embraced by the culture. We stay the course because it is Christ’s power and love which safeguards the authentic freedom that makes our country truly great.

Let us call upon the Holy Spirit to sustain our hearts! By His grace we will remain faithful, focused on the Lasting City to come while holding firm to our convictions here below in the knowledge that God has already won the ultimate battle over sin and death!

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You can earn an income while supporting the Sisters?
You can receive a life-long fixed income, guaranteed regardless of market fluctuation with a Charitable Gift Annuity! CGAs are available with a gift of $10,000+ and are ideal for those 70 or older. Rates recently increased! For more information or a no-obligation proposal, contact (734) 930-4233 or plannedgiving@sistersofmary.org.