On June 22nd, the delegates for the General Chapter of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist held their elections for the Prioress General, which was witnessed by Bishop Earl Boyea, the ordinary of the Diocese of Lansing. Mother Amata Veritas Ellenbecker, O.P. was elected the new Prioress General. She succeeds Mother Mary Assumpta Long, O.P.
The elections for the General Council were also held. The Councilors are as follows:
Vicaress General: Sister Mary Michael Carlton, O.P.
Second Councilor: Sister John Dominic Rasmussen, O.P.
Third Councilor: Sister Louis Marie Zogg, O.P.
Fourth Councilor: Sister Elizabeth Ann O’Reilly, O.P.
Secretary General: Sister Louis Marie Zogg, O.P.
Bursar General: Sister John Dominic Rasmussen, O.P.
We are tremendously grateful for the valiant and heroic leadership of Mother Mary Assumpta Long, O.P., Sr. Mary Samuel Handwerker, O.P. Sr. Joseph Andrew Bogdanowicz ,O.P. Sr. John Dominic Rasmussen, O.P. and Sr. Maria Faustina Showalter, O.P. for the past seven years. The founding Sisters have established a firm foundation which will continue in the spirit of St. Dominic.