Happy Solemnity of the Annunciation!

Enter into the mystery of the Annunciation
by contemplating the painting by Henry Tanner.
This video is a part of our Life of Christ course on Openlight Media Plus
Easter Triduum

The Altar of Repose

“My people, what have I done to you
How have I offended you? Answer me!”
(Good Friday Reproaches)
“Jesus knew and loved each of us during His earthly life, prayed for us during His agony, and offered His suffering and death on the Cross to save us from our sins.” (Echoing the Mystery, pg. 193)
Suggestions for Celebrating the Triduum:
- Holy Thursday: Jesus asked His disciples, “Would you not watch for one hour with Me?” Commit to praying for one hour and “keeping watch” with Jesus (suggested prayers for your holy hour may include the Rosary, the Way of the Cross, or praying with Scripture).
- Good Friday: Jesus once told St. Faustina that He would have come, suffered, and died even if she was the only human in existence, out of love for her. Begin the Divine Mercy Novena, asking for a greater outpouring of Christ’s most precious blood upon the whole world.
- Holy Saturday: If you don’t plan on attending the Easter Vigil Liturgy this year, light a candle at sundown, praying the Exsultet with your family to celebrate that Christ has conquered sin and death.
- Easter Sunday: Before entering into the wonderful festivities of the day, pray the Apostle’s Creed and bless your family with holy water, recalling your own Baptismal Promises and renewing your hope in the Resurrection. We also encourage singing an Easter song, such as “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” with full gusto!

Easter Vigil – He is Risen!

One of the best parts of Easter is celebrating joyfully with our Sisters!
Baptismal Promises
Christ extends the Incarnation by continuing to use sensible signs to bring us into contact with God. This is why He commanded His Apostles to baptize with water in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Echoing the Mystery, pg. 297)
Every year at Easter, we renew our Baptismal Promises during the Liturgy, as a renewing of our covenant with God. As we prepare to do so again this year, we invite you to ponder how this great gift of Baptism directly ties into the Paschal Mystery:

- Given to Us at the Cross – From Christ’s side flowed blood and water from His Most Sacred Heart. This very water flowing from His side symbolizes the Sacrament of Baptism, the graces of which flow from His pierced side.
- Dying with Christ, Rising with Christ – As Catholics, we believe that through Baptism, we partake in Christ’s sacrifice for us by dying with Christ and rising to new life in Him. In this way, we participate in His death and Resurrection and experience its power in a very real way.
- Washing Away Original Sin – Christ’s death on the Cross defeated sin and death and opened the gates of Eternal Life to us. Similarly, through Baptism, Christ washes away that original sin we inherited from our first parents, Adam and Eve, and brings new life to our souls.
- Holy Water & The Sign of the Cross – Whenever we bless ourselves with holy water, we make the Sign of the Cross. This great sign of Christ claims each one of us as baptized and is a small way in which we proclaim the belief that God has indeed washed away our sin through the salvific power of the Sacrament of Baptism.